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Australia Maximum Cards

A.S.C. Date Description Set
Click on Red Camera?next to Description for Generic Image
Click on Green Camera next to Price for Specific Image
  2017 Volume I : Seven Seas 32nd Edition Australasian Catalogue See photo $65.00
400 Pages in Full Colour - Australia 1913 - February 2017, Australian Postal Stationery, Australian First Day Covers & Packs, Australian Antarctic Territory,Christmas Is.,Cocos(Keeling) Is.
Now in stock
  2007 Volume 2 : Seven Seas Australian Territories 30th Edition See photo $37.50
288 Pages in Full Colour Papua & New Guinea,Norfolk Is.,Nauru Stamps and Pitcairn Is
  2017, 2007 Seven Seas Both Volumes Above $95.00
  2020 Renniks Stamps of Australia in colour- 17th Edition. Issues to December,2020 (320 Pages) Great Value ! See photo $39.95
Above includes Australian States/Colonies, AAT,Norfolk Is., Australian PNC and First Day Covers (320 Pages)
Seven Seas Albums
    Australian Maximum Card Album inc Slipcase $75.00
Above: Contains 20 loose leaf board pages each to take two Maximum Cards. There are spaces under each card for the issue date and title.
    Maximum Card Binder 32mm $25.00
    Slipcase 32mm $25.00
    Maximum Card Pages Pack 10 $28.00
Exhibition Cards
Above Official Australia Post Issue
  3-May-90 London 90 Stamp World Exhibition See photo $10.00
  24-Aug-90 New Zealand 1990 See photo $5.00
  24-Aug-90 Australia Science Joint Issue M/S Opted NZ 1990 See photo $12.00
  16-Nov-91 AAT - Philanippon - Tokyo Japan See photo $12.00
  16-Nov-91 Exploration of Albany -Philanippon - Tokyo Japan See photo $12.00
  22-May-92 International Space Year World Columbian Stamp EXPO 92 Chicago USA See photo $10.00
  22-May-92 Australia Day World Columbian Stamp EXPO 92 Chicago USA See photo $10.00
  22-May-92 Wallaby World Columbian Stamp EXPO 92 Chicago USA See photo $4.00
  29-Jul-92 Olympics Olymphilex - Barcelona- Spain See photo $15.00
  1-Sep-92 5th Asian Philatelic Exhibition Kuala Lumpur Malaysia See photo $15.00
  18-Sep-92 Australia Day - World Exhibition - Genoa Italy See photo $15.00
  18-Sep-92 Wildlife - World Exhibition - Genoa Italy See photo $7.00
  9-Oct-96 German Von Mueller See photo $22.00
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Maximum Cards
  18-Oct-78 Horses (4) $30.00
ASPC 001-3 3-Oct-78 - 1-Nov-78 Xmas (3) $7.00
ASPC 004 26-Jan-79 Australia Day (1) $1.50
ASPC 005-8 14-Feb-79 Ferries (4) $6.00
ASPC 005-8 14-Feb-79 Ferries (4) Carried on Hydrofoil with Cachet $12.00
ASPC 009 14-Mar-79 $5 Painting $18.00
ASPC 010-16 9-Apr-79 National Parks (7) $10.00
ASPC 017-20 16-May-79 Trains (4) $9.00
ASPC 021 6-Jun-79 W.A. Sesqui Centenary (1) $1.50
ASPC 022 13-Aug-79 IYC (1) $1.50
ASPC 023-8 17-Sep-79 Birds I (6) $9.00
ASPC 029-31 24-Sep-79 - 1-Nov-79 Xmas (3) $3.00
ASPC 032-35 24-Oct-79 Fishing (4) $4.00
  1979 Complete Year (10 Sets) $56.00
ASPC 032A 23-Jan-80 Australia Day (1) $2.00
ASPC 033-37 20-Feb-80 Dogs (5) $9.00
ASPC 038-40 31-Mar-80 Birds II (3) $7.00
ASPC 041 21-Apr-80 Queen's Birthday (1) $3.00
ASPC 042-6 7-May-80 Folklore (5) $7.00
ASPC 047 19-May-80 High Court (1) $3.00
ASPC 048-52 1-Jul-80 Birds III (5) $8.00
ASPC 053-56 11-Aug-80 Community Welfare (4) $7.00
ASPC 057-61 29-Sep-80 Stamp Week (5) $7.00
ASPC 062-64 1-Oct-80 - 3-Nov-80 Xmas (3) $5.00
ASPC 065 17-Nov-80 Birds IV (1) 18c $3.00
ASPC 066-9 19-Nov-80 Aircraft (4) $8.00
  1980 Complete Year (12 Sets) $68.00
ASPC 070 21-Jan-81 Australia Day (1) $3.00
ASPC 071-4 18-Feb-81 Sporting Personalities (4) $16.00
ASPC 075-6 25-Mar-81 Australia/UK Airmail (2) $5.00
ASPC 077-80 20-May-81 Gold Rush (4) $6.00
ASPC 077a 6-Apr-81 APEX (1) $3.00
ASPC 078a 21-Apr-81 Queen's Birthday (1) $3.00
ASPC 076A 17-Jun-81 $2 Painting (1) $5.00
ASPC 081-86 1-Jul-81-15-Jul-81 Animals I (6) $9.00
ASPC 088-9 29-Jul-81 Royal Wedding (2) $3.00
ASPC 090-93 19-Aug-81 Funghi (4) $9.00
ASPC 087 16-Sep-81 IYD (1) $3.00
ASPC 094-95 30-Sep-81 CHOGM (2) $4.50
ASPC 096-99 14-Oct-81 Yachting (4) $7.50
ASPC 100-102 28-Sep-81- 2-Nov-81 Xmas (3) $6.00
  1981 Complete Year (14 Sets) $80.00
ASPC 103 20-Jan-82 Australia Day (1) $3.00
ASPC 104-7 17-Feb-82 Whales (4) $8.00
ASPC 113-16 19-Apr-82 Animals IIa (4) $7.00
ASPC 108 21-Apr-82 Queen's Birthday (1) $3.00
ASPC 109-12 19-May-82 Roses (4) $15.00
ASPC 117-18 16-Jun-82 ABC (2) $3.50
ASPC 119-21 16-Jun-82 Animals IIb (3) $6.00
ASPC 122-28 4-Aug-82 Post Offices (7) $16.00
ASPC 129-32 22-Sep-82 Commonwealth Games (4) $6.50
ASPC 133 27-Sep-82 National Stamp Week (1) $2.50
ASPC 134 12-Oct-82 National Gallery (1) $3.00
ASPC 135-7 15-Sep-82 - 1-Nov-82 Xmas (3) $5.50
ASPC 138-41 17-Nov-82 Aboriginal Culture (4) $7.00
ASPC 142-6 17-Nov-82 Eucalypts (5) $6.50
  1982 Complete Year (14 Sets) $90.00
ASPC 147-50 12-Jan-83 Fire Engines (4) $20.00
ASPC 151-52 26-Jan-83 Australia Day (2) $8.00
ASPC 153 2-Feb-83 ANZCER (1) $3.00
ASPC 154-7 2-Feb-83 Animals III (4) $7.50
ASPC 158-61 9-Mar-83 Commonwealth Day (4) $7.00
ASPC 162 20-Apr-83 Queen's Birthday (1) $3.50
ASPC 163 18-May-83 Communications Year (1) $3.00
ASPC 164 8-Jun-83 St John's Ambulance (1) $3.00
ASPC 165 8-Jun-83 Jaycees (1) $3.00
ASPC 166-74,87 15-Jun-83 - 24-Oct-83 Butterflies (10) $38.00
ASPC 175-79 3-Aug-83 Sentimental Bloke (5) $7.00
ASPC 183-86 26-Sep-83 Explorers (4) $6.00
ASPC 180-82 14-Sep-83 - 2 Nov-83 Xmas (3) $7.00
  1983 Complete Year (14 Sets) $115.00
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ASPC 188 26-Jan-84 Australia Day (1) $4.00
ASPC 189-90 22-Feb-84 Airmail (2) $5.00
ASPC 230 22-Feb-84 30c Barred Edge- Frama $25.00
ASPC 191-95 14-Mar-84 Vintage Cars (5) $15.00
ASPC 196 4-Apr-84 $5 Mentone (1) $10.00
ASPC 197 18-Apr-84 Queen's Birthday (1) $3.00
ASPC 198-201 23-May-84 Clipper Ships (5) $22.00
ASPC 202-05 6-May-84 Skiing (4) $7.50
ASPC 206-11 18-Jun-84 Marine Life (6) $12.00
ASPC 212-14 25-Jul-84 Olympic Games (3) $7.00
AMC 215 22-Aug-84 AUSIPEX '84 (1) $3.50
SC 003 1984 AUSIPEX '84 Set of 10 (Each Dayof the Exhibition Cancels) $32.00
Above set of 10 Cards with Daily Special Exhibition Cancellations for the 10 days of the Exhibition 21st - 30th September,1984
ASPC 216-20 17-Sep-84 - 7-Nov-84 Xmas (5) $11.00
  21-Sep-84 1988 SYDPEX - GPO Sydney See photo $7.00
  21-Sep-84 1988 SYDPEX - Rocks Square See photo $7.00
ASPC 221-8 7-Nov-84 Bicentennial - 1st Australians (8) $25.00
ASPC 229-31 19-Nov-84 Victoria Centenary (2) $4.50
  1984 Complete Year (15 Sets)  
ASPC 232-33 25-Jan-85 Australia Day (2) $4.50
ASPC 234 13-Feb-85 IYY (1) $3.00
ASPC 235-9 25-Feb-85 Colonial Military Uniforms (5) $9.00
  3-May-85 Military Uniforms Set of 6 Mint Postcards See photo $20.00
ASPC 240 13-Mar-85 District Nursing (1) $3.00
ASPC 241-2 13-Mar-85 Cockatoo Bklt Stamps (2) $4.50
ASPC 243-46 10-Apr-85 Navigators (4) $10.00
ASPC 247 22-Apr-85 Queen's Birthday (1) $3.00
ASPC 248-51 15-May-85 Conservation (4) $10.00
ASPC 252-57 20-Mar-85-12-Jun-85- Marine Life (6) $12.00
ASPC 258-62 17-Jul-85 Childrens Books (5)  
ASPC 263 18-Sep-85 Electronic Mail (1) $3.00
ASPC 264-67 2-Oct-85 Coastal Shipwrecks (4) $12.00
ASPC 268 22-Oct-85 33c Kangaroo - Frama (1) $10.00
ASPC 269-73 18-Sep-85-1-Nov-85 Xmas (5) $10.00
  1985 Complete Year (14 Sets)  
AMC 274 24-Jan-86 Australia Day (1) $3.50
AMC 275-76 24-Jan-86 AUSSAT (2) $7.50
AMC 277-8 12-Feb-86 South Australia (2) $6.00
AMC 279-84 12-Mar-86 Cook's Voyages (6) $25.00
AMC 285 9-Apr-86 Halley's Comet (1) $3.00
AMC 286 21-Apr-86 Queen's Birthday (1) $4.00
AMC 287-90 21-May-86 Australian Horses (4) $10.00
AMC 291-97 11-Jin-86 Marine Life Series II - Venemous (7) $18.00
AMC 299-303 21-Jul-86 Folklore - Click-Go-The-Shears (5) $10.00
AMC 304-7 6-Aug-86 Decision to Settle (4) $16.00
AMC 308-12 13-Aug-86 Australian Wildlife (5) $9.00
AMC 313 28-Aug-86 36c Platypus - Frama (1) $9.00
AMC 314-7 25-Aug-86 Alpine Wildflowers (4) $8.00
AMC 318-21 18-Sep-86 Native Orchids (4) $12.00
AMC 298 22-Oct-86 IYP (1) $2.50
AMC 322-24 3-Nov-86 Xmas (3) $6.00
  1986 Complete Year (16 Sets)  
AMC 313a 30-Jan-87 50c CUPPEX - Frama (1) $5.00
AMC 325 1-Jul-87 37c Platypus - Frama (1) $5.00
AMC 326 2-Sep-87 37c Echidna - Frama (1) $2.00
AMC 326 10-Apr-88 $1 AEROPEX - Frama $6.00
  8-10-Apr-88 AEROPEX - Framas (3) $25.00
AMC 326 30-Sep-88 37c Echidna - Framas (Sydney GPO) $5.00
AMC 327 30-Jul-88 50c SYDPEX - Frama (1) $5.00
  30-Sep-88 50c SYDPEX - Framas Set of 9  
AMC 328 28-Sep-88 39c Ringtail Possum - Frama 2000 (1) $5.00
AMC 328 28-Sep-88 39c Ringtail Possum - Frama No Postcode (1) $5.00
AMC 329 21-Apr-89 Queen's Birthday (1) $4.00
AMC 330 21-Apr-89 Queen's Birthday (1) $4.00
AMC 331 1-Sep-89 41c Frill Necked Lizard - Frama Postcode 2000 (1) $6.00
AMC 331 1-Sep-89 41c Frill Necked Lizard - Frama No Postcode (1) $7.00
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  Special Cards
AMC 331 19-Apr-90 $1 Frill Necked Lizard ESSEN (1) $5.00
SC 001-006 1-May-90 1st Postage Stamps(6) $24.00
  1-May-90 1st Postage Stamps(6) GPO Cards See photo $22.00
SC 003 1984 AUSIPEX Set of 10 $32.00
Above set of 10 Cards with Daily Special Exhibition Cancellations for the 10 days of the Exhibition
SC 004 1-May-90 1st Postage Stamps Blk 6 (1) $14.00
SC 007 2nd-4th Nov-90 Local Government Overprinted Sydney Stamp & Coin Show Set of 3 Cards See photo $18.00
SC 008 1-May-90 1st Postage Stamps M/S See photo $18.00
SC 008 1-May-90 1st Postage Stamps Gutter Blk 10 See photo $32.00
SC 008 1-May-90 1st Postage Stamps Blk 15 See photo $25.00
  2-Sep-90 41c Frill Necked Lizard Paper Maximum Card (1-Sep-90) Last Day Cancel $8.00
AMC 332 3-Sep-90 43c Koala - Frama - 2000 (1) $7.00
AMC 332 3-Sep-90 43c Koala - Frama - No Postcode (1) $7.00
NSW 001 9-Apr-79 National Park Strip 5 $7.00
NSW 001 26-Apr-79 National Park Strip 5 + Waterfalls Pair (National Parks & Wildlife Service) $15.00
NSW 002 7-May-80 Folklore Strip 5 $9.00
NSW 003 29-Sep-80 Stamp Week Strip 5 $9.00
NSW 004 29-Sep-80 Stamp Week M/S $7.00
NSW 004 13-May-88 37c Parliament House - GPO Stamp Fair See photo $10.00
NSW 005 16-Jun-82 ABC Pair $6.00
NSW 006 22-Sep-82 Commonwealth Games M/S $6.00
NSW 007 17-Nov-82 60c Eucalypt Pane $9.00
NSW 008 17-Nov-82 $1 Eucalypt Pane $12.00
NSW 009 26-Jan-83 Australia Day Se-Tenant Pair $6.00
NSW 010 3-Aug-83 Sentimental Bloke Strip 5 $6.00
NSW 011 22-Feb-84 Airmail Pair $6.00
NSW 012 14-Mar-84 Vintage Cars Strip 5 $16.00
NSW 013 21-Sep-84 AUSIPEX M/S $16.00
NSW 014 19-Nov-84 Victoria Centenary Pair $6.00
NSW 015 25-Jan-85 Australia Day Strip 4 $9.00
NSW 016 6-Mar-85 Colonial Military Uniforms Strip 5 $16.00
NSW 017 13-Mar-85 $1 Cockatoo Bklt Pane $8.00
NSW 018 10-Apr-85 Bicentennial M/S $35.00
NSW 019 17-Jul-85 Childrens Books Strip 5 $9.00
NSW 020 12-Feb-86 South Australia Se-Tenant Pair $6.00
NSW 021 21-Jul-86 Click-Go-The-Shears Strip 5 $12.00
  7th Aug-10th Aug-1986    
NSW 022 13-Aug-86 36c Wildlife Strip 5 $10.00
NSW 023 25-Aug-86 80c Alpine Flower Bklt Pane $10.00
NSW 024 25-Aug-86 $1 Alpine Flower Bklt Pane $16.00
NSW 025 3-Nov-86 Xmas M/S $10.00
  26-Jan-88 Bicentennial - 1st Australians (8) $20.00
  26-Jan-88 Navigators (4) $12.00
  26-Jan-88 Coastal Shipwrecks (4) $12.00
  26-Jan-88 Cook's Voyages (6) $22.00
  26-Jan-88 Decision to Settle (4) $15.00
Australia Post Cards
AC 1-7 18-May-87 Americas Cup (7) $6.00
FF 1-5 18-May-87 1st Fleet Departure (5) $5.00
FF 6-8 3-Jun-87 1st Fleet Teneriffe (3) $4.00
FF 9-13 19-Aug-87 1st Fleet Rio (5) $4.50
FF 14-16 18-Nov-87 1st Fleet - Cape of Good Hope (5) $5.50
FF 17-21 26-Jan-88 1st Fleet - Arrival (5) $7.00
OL 1-8 30-Sep-87 Our Land - Fruit/Agricultural (8) $9.00
SR 1-5 19-Aug-87 Snowy River (5) $4.50
OC 1-8 30-Sep-87 Our Community - Aussie Kids/Technology (8) $12.00
  26-Jan-88 Bicentennial Set of 26 Cards $99.00
Above Inc. All Previous Bicentennial Issues but with Special Bicentennial 26/1/88 Cancel
JL 1 26-Jan-88 Joint Issue - USA (1) $1.50
JL 2-5 21-Jun-88 Joint Issue - UK (4) $12.00
JL 6 21-Jun-88 Joint Issue - NZ (1) $3.00
EY 1-5 13-Apr-88 Early Years (5) $8.00
PH 1 9-May-88 Opening of Parliament House (1) $2.50
PE 1-5 10-May-89 Pastoral Era (5) $7.50
AAT 1-5 14-Jun-89 AAT - Nolan Landscapes (5) $9.00
SS 1-4 12-Jul-89 Stage & Screen (4) $9.00
AL 1-4 17-Aug-89 Australian Impressionists (4) $10.00
  1999 Complete Year (Exc AAT) (22 Sets)  
  2017 Volume I : Seven Seas 32nd Edition Australasian Catalogue See photo $65.00
400 Pages in Full Colour - Australia 1913 - February 2017, Australian Postal Stationery, Australian First Day Covers & Packs, Australian Antarctic Territory,Christmas Is.,Cocos(Keeling) Is.
Now in stock
  2007 Volume 2 : Seven Seas Australian Territories 30th Edition See photo $37.50
288 Pages in Full Colour Papua & New Guinea,Norfolk Is.,Nauru Stamps and Pitcairn Is
  2017, 2007 Seven Seas Both Volumes Above $95.00
APMX 001 17-Jan-90 41c Australia Day (Golden Wattle) (1) $3.00
APMX 002 17-Jan-90 Sports II (5) (Canoeing, Sailboarding, Tennis, Rockclimbing, Fun Run) $8.50
APMX 003 7-Feb-90 Centenary of First Women in Medical Practice (1) $3.00
APMX 004 7-Feb-90 41c Thinking of You/ Flower Bouquet (1) $3.00
APMX 005 21-Feb-90 Animals of the High Country ( Greater Glider, Quoll, Pygmy Possum, Rock Wallaby) (4) $12.00
APMX 006 14-Mar-90 Community Health (4) $7.00
APMX 007 12-Apr-90 The ANZAC Tradition (4) $12.00
APMX 008 19-Apr-90 Queen's Birthday (1) $3.00
APMX 009 1-May-90 First Postage Stamp (6 States) $12.00
APMX 010 16-May-90 Colonial Collection - Gold Fever (5) $12.00
APMX 011 13-Jun-90 Scientific Co-operation in Antarctica (2) $6.00
APMX 012 12-Jul-90 Colonial Collection - Boomtime (5) $10.00
APMX 013 15-Aug-90 $20 Garden Painting - John Glover (1) $35.00
APMX 014 27-Aug-90 Sports II - Skateboarding & Hang-Gliding (2) $6.00
APMX 015 3-Sep-90 43c Thinking of You/ Flower Bouquet (1) $2.00
APMX 016 3-Sep-90 Heidelberg & Heritage Paintings (2) 'Salmon Gums' & 'Blue Dress' $3.00
APMX 017 31-Oct-90 43c 150 Years of Local Government (1) $3.00
APMX 018 31-Oct-90 Xmas (3) $6.00
  1990 Complete Year (18 Sets) $145.00
APMX 019 10-Jan-91 Australia Day - Flag & Ensigns (4) $10.00
APMX 020 14-Feb-91 Waterbirds (4) - (Stork, Swan,Goose & Teal) $12.00
APMX 021 14-Mar-91 In Memory of Those Who Served (3) $7.00
APMX 022 11-Apr-91 Australian Insects (4) ( Cotton Harlequin Moth, Hawk Moth, Grasshopper, Jewel Beetle) $12.00
APMX 023 11-Apr-91 43c Queen's Birthday (1) $3.00
APMX 024 13-May-91 150th Anniversary of Australian Photography (4) (Dupain, Sievers, Cazneaux,Cotton) $9.00
APMX 025 13-Jun-91 Golden Days of Radio (4) $8.00
APMX 026 20-Jun-91 AAT - Antarctic Treaty (2) $6.00
APMX 026 20-Jun-91 AAT - Antarctic Treaty (2) Philanippon Gold Overprint $9.00
APMX 027 25-Jun-91 Pets (4) - (Puppy, Kitten, Pony & Cockatoo) $8.00
APMX 028 22-Aug-91 Sports III (4) (Netball, Squash, Diving & Soccer) $10.00
APMX 029 25-Sep-91 Exploration of Albany (1) $3.00
APMX 030 10-Oct-91 Literary Legends (4) $10.00
APMX 031 1-Nov-91 Xmas (3) $7.00
  1991 Complete Year (Exc AAT) 12 Sets) $96.00
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APMX 032 2-Jan-92 Threatened Species (6) $7.00
  2-Jan-92 Emu Frama No Postcode $6.00
APMX 033 2-Jan-92 Thinking of You (1) $2.50
APMX 034 2-Jan-92 Wetlands (2) $3.00
APMX 035 15-Jan-92 Australia Day (4) $9.00
APMX 036 19-Feb-92 Australians Under Fire (4) $9.00
APMX 037 19-Mar-92 Space Year (3) $6.50
APMX 038 8-Apr-92 Vineyards (4) $4.50
APMX 039 9-Apr-92 Queen's Birthday (1) $3.00
APMX 040 14-May-92 AAT Wildlife (5) $10.00
APMX 041 11-Jun-92 Landcare (5) $6.00
APMX 042 2-Jul-92 Olympic Games (3) $6.00
APMX 043 13-Aug-92 Native Animals (4) $6.00
APMX 044 28-Aug-92 Harbour Tunnel (2) $3.00
APMX 045 17-Sep-92 Desert Gold (4) $6.00
APMX 046 15-Oct-92 Sheffield Shield (2) $4.00
APMX 047 30-Oct-92 Xmas '92 (3) $4.00
  6-8th Nov-92 Xmas '92 (3) Overprinted Sydney Stamp & Coin Show $10.00
  1992 Complete Year (Exc AAT) (15 Sets) $90.00
APMX 048 14-Jan-93 Australia Day 1993 (2) $3.00
APMX 049 14-Jan-93 AAT-Wildlife (3) $12.00
APMX 050 4-Feb-93 Dreamings (4) $9.00
APMX 051 4-Mar-93 World Heritage (4) $9.00
APMX 052 4-Mar-93 Queen's Birthday (1) $3.00
APMX 053 7-Apr-93 Naval Vessels (4) $8.50
APMX 054 7-May-93 Working Life (4) $7.00
APMX 055 1-Jun-93 Trains (6) $7.00
APMX 056 1-Jul-93 Aboriginal Australia (4) $12.00
APMX 057 12-Aug-93 Australian Wildlife (4) $7.00
APMX 058 2-Sep-93 Parliamentary (2) $4.00
APMX 059 1-Oct-93 Dinosaurs (6) $10.00
APMX 060 1-Nov-03 Xmas 1993 (3) $6.00
  1993 Complete Year (Exc AAT) (12 Sets) $81.00
APMX 061 13-Jan-94 Australia Day (4) $10.00
APMX 062 20-Jan-94 Lifesaving (4) $7.00
APMX 063 3-Feb-94 Thinking of You/Love (3) $5.00
APMX 064 10-Mar-94 Wildlife-Animals (3) $6.00
APMX 065 8-Apr-94 Queen's Birthday (1) $3.00
APMX 066 8-Apr-94 Friendship Bridge (1) $3.00
APMX 067 14-Apr-94 Year of the Family (4) $8.00
APMX 068 12-May-94 Koalas & Kangaroos (6) $9.00
APMX 069 9-Jun-94 Votes for Women (1) $3.00
APMX 070 14-Jul-94 Bunyips (4) $7.00
APMX 071 11-Aug-94 Prime MInisters (5) $9.00
APMX 072 29-Aug-94 Aviation Feats (4) $22.00
APMX 073 8-Sep-94 45c Waratah - Frama (1) $6.00
APMX 074 28-Sep-94 Zoos (5) $8.00
APMX 075 31-Oct-94 Hobart Yacht Race (2) $4.00
APMX 076 31-Oct-94 Xmas 1994 (4) $9.00
APMX 077 2-Nov-94 ATM (1) $3.00
  13-Jan-94 AAT - Huskies (4) $11.00
  1994 Complete Year (Exc AAT) (18 Sets)  
APMX 078 12-Jan-95 Australia Day (4) $10.00
APMX 079 30-Jan-95 St.Valentines Day (3) $6.00
APMX 080 9-Feb-95 Endeavour Replica (2) $4.00
APMX 081 16-Mar-95 50th Anniversary of National Trust (4) $12.00
APMX 082 5-Apr-95 Opals (2) $9.00
APMX 083 20-Apr-95 Queen's Birthday (1) $3.00
APMX 084 20-Apr-95 Australia Remembers I (4) $8.00
APMX 085 11-May-95 50th Anniversary U.N. (1) $3.00
APMX 086 8-Jun-95 Centenary of Cinema (5) $10.00
  15-Jun-95 AAT - Whales & Dolphins (4) $11.00
APMX 087 13-Jul-95 People with Disabilities (2) $4.00
APMX 088 10-Aug-95 Australia Remembers II (4) $8.00
APMX 089 10-Aug-95 50th Anniversary Peace in Pacific (3) $8.00
APMX 090 1-Sep-95 Joint Issue with China (2) $4.00
APMX 091 7-Sep-95 Medical Science (4) $12.00
APMX 092 3-Oct-95 The World Down Under (6) $11.00
APMX 093 1-Nov-95 Xmas (3) $7.00
  1995 Complete Year (Exc. AAT) (16 Sets) $115.00
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APMX 094 16-Jan-96 Australia Day (4) $11.00
APMX 095 30-Jan-96 Hearts & Roses (1) $3.00
APMX 096 26-Feb-96 Military Aviation (4) $8.00
APMX 097 14-Mar-96 World Heritage Areas (4) $10.00
APMX 098 22-Mar-96 Australia/Indonesia Joint Issue (2) $4.00
APMX 099 11-Apr-96 Queen's Birthday (1) $3.00
APMX 100 23-Apr-96 Centenary of AFL (16) $25.00
APMX 101 9-May-96 Nature of Australia (4) $15.00
APMX 102 6-Jun-96 Centenary of Modern Olympics (3) $7.00
APMX 103 6-Jun-96 45c Festival - Frama (1) $6.00
APMX 104 4-Jul-96 Childrens Book Council (4) $8.00
APMX 105 22-Jul-96 Atlanta Sydney Handover (1) $3.00
APMX 106 8-Aug-96 National Council of Women (2) $5.00
APMX 107 5-Sep-96 Diamonds & Pearls (2) $7.00
APMX 108 12-Sep-96 Arts Councils (2) $4.00
APMX 109 1-Oct-96 Pets (6) $12.00
APMX 110 9-Oct-96 Von Mueller (1) $3.00
APMX 111 1-Nov-96 De Vlamingh (1) $3.50
APMX 112 1-Nov-96 Xmas (3) $7.00
    AAT - Landscapes (4) $11.00
  1996 Complete Year (Exc AAT) (19 Sets) $140.00
  2020 Renniks Stamps of Australia in colour- 17th Edition. Issues to December,2020 (320 Pages) Great Value ! See photo $39.95
Above includes Australian States/Colonies, AAT,Norfolk Is., Australian PNC and First Day Covers (320 Pages)
APMX 113 16-Jan-97 Australia Day (3) $9.00
APMX 114 23-Jan-97 Australian Legends (2) - Sir Donald Bradman $8.00
APMX 115 29-Jan-97 Roses (1) $3.00
APMX 116 27-Feb-97 Australia's Classic Cars (4) $8.00
APMX 117 13-Mar-97 Circuses in Australia (4) $8.00
APMX 118 10-Apr-97 Nature of Australia - Wetlands (4) $27.00
APMX 119 17-Apr-97 Queen's Birthday (1) $3.00
APMX 120 17-Apr-97 Lions International (1) $3.00
APMX 121 8-May-97 Dolls & Bears (5) $10.00
APMX 122 2-Jun-97 Wetland Birds (4) $8.00
APMX 123 10-Jul-97 Emergency Services (4) $10.00
APMX 124 7-Aug-97 Merino Sheep (2) $4.00
APMX 125 21-Aug-97 The Dreaming (4) $13.00
APMX 126 4-Sep-97 Prehistoric Animals (5) $11.00
APMX 127 1-Oct-97 Creatures of the Night (6) $11.00
APMX 128 27-Oct-97 Breast Cancer Awareness (1) $3.00
APMX 129 3-Nov-97 Xmas (3) $7.00
  15-May-97 AAT - Anare (5) $16.00
  1997 Complete Year (Exc AAT) (17 Sets) $142.00
APMX 130 15-Jan-98 Maritime Heritage (4) $10.00
APMX 131 21-Jan-98 Australian Olympic Legends (6) $16.00
APMX 132 12-Feb-98 Greetings : Champagne Roses (1) $3.00
APMX 133 9-Apr-98 Queen's Birthday (1) $3.00
APMX 134 9-Apr-98 Fleet Air Arm (1) $2.00
APMX 135 21-Apr-98 Farming Australia (5) $10.00
APMX 136 4-May-98 Heart Health (1) $2.00
APMX 137 26-May-98 Australian Rock 'n' Roll (12) $20.00
APMX 138 25-Jun-98 Endangered Species (4) $8.00
APMX 139 16-Jul-98 Youth Arts Australia (2) $4.00
APMX 140 6-Aug-98 Native Orchids (4) Australian-Singapore Joint Issue $12.00
APMX 141 13-Aug-98 Leunig's Teapot of Truth (5) $12.00
APMX 142 3-Sep-98 Butterflies (5) $10.00
APMX 143 10-Sep-98 Bass & Flinders (2) $4.00
APMX 144 1-Oct-98 Planet Ocean (6) $10.00
APMX 145 22-Oct-98 UN Universal Declaration (1) $2.00
APMX 146 2-Nov-98 Xmas (3) $7.00
  5-Mar-98 AAT-Transport (4) $16.00
  1998 Complete Year (Exc AAT) (17 Sets) $130.00
Shopping Trolley - Click on Underlined Price(Hyperlink) to Order
If no hyperlink/Inactive we are currently Out of Stock?of the item !??
APMX 147 14-Jan-99 50th Anniversary of Citizenship (1) $3.00
APMX 148 22-Jan-99 Australian Legends - Arthur Boyd (2) $5.00
APMX 149 4-Feb-99 Greetings: Romance (1) $3.00
APMX 150 11-Feb-99 International Year of Older Persons (2) $4.00
APMX 151 19-Mar-99 Sailing Ships of Australia (4) $11.00
APMX 152 19-Mar-99 Early Navigators (6) $11.00
APMX 153 19-Mar-99 Tiwi Design - Frama (1) Australia 99 $7.00
APMX 154 22-Mar-99 Olympic Torch (1) $3.00
APMX 155 8-Apr-99 Coastal Flowers (4) $8.00
APMX 156 15-Apr-99 Queen's Birthday (1) $3.00
APMX 157 6-May-99 Children's TV (5) $10.00
APMX 158 13-May-99 Perth Mint Centenary (1) $5.00
APMX 159 8-Jun-99 100 Years of Test Rugby (4) $10.00
APMX 160 8-Jul-99 Nature of Australia - Coastal Birds (5) $14.00
APMX 161 12-Aug-99 50th Anniversary of Snowy River Scene (4) $8.00
APMX 162 1-Sep-99 Personal Greetings (6) $12.00
APMX 163 15-Sep-99 Sydney Olympic Logo (1) $5.00
APMX 164 16-Sep-99 Design Australia (4) $6.00
APMX 165 1-Oct-99 Small Pond (6) $14.00
APMX 166 1-Nov-99 Xmas (3) $6.00
APMX 167 1-Nov-99 1999/2000 OVD (1) $2.50
  13-May-99 AAT - Mawsons Huts (4) $14.00
  1999 Complete Year (Exc AAT) (22 Sets)  
Shopping Trolley - Click on Underlined Price(Hyperlink) to Order
If no hyperlink/Inactive we are currently Out of Stock?of the item !??
  2017 Volume I : Seven Seas 32nd Edition Australasian Catalogue See photo $65.00
400 Pages in Full Colour - Australia 1913 - February 2017, Australian Postal Stationery, Australian First Day Covers & Packs, Australian Antarctic Territory,Christmas Is.,Cocos(Keeling) Is.
Now in stock
  2007 Volume 2 : Seven Seas Australian Territories 30th Edition See photo $37.50
288 Pages in Full Colour Papua & New Guinea,Norfolk Is.,Nauru Stamps and Pitcairn Is
  2017, 2007 Seven Seas Both Volumes Above $95.00
APMX 168 1-Jan-00 Faces of Australia (5) $16.00
APMX 169 21-Jan-00 Australian Legends - ANZAC (4) $12.00
APMX 170 24-Feb-00 Festivals (5) $12.00
APMX 171 23-Mar-00 Gardens (5) $12.00
APMX 172 13-Apr-00 Queen's Birthday (1) $3.00
APMX 173 18-Apr-00 Korean War (1) $4.00
APMX 174 11-May-00 Nature & Nation (5) $12.00
APMX 175 22-May-00 Towards Federation (4) $14.00
APMX 176 20-Jun-00 International Panorama (8) $55.00
APMX 177 3-Jul-00 Paralympic Games 2000 (5) $12.00
APMX 178 24-Jul-00 Centenary of Victoria Cross (5) $20.00
APMX 179 17-Aug-00 Olympic Sports (10) $20.00
APMX 180 15-Sep-00 Sydney Athens Joint Issue(2) $8.00
APMX 181 3-Oct-00 Space (6) $14.00
APMX 182 18-Oct-00 Paralympic Torch (2) $5.00
APMX 183 1-Nov-00 Xmas (3) $7.50
  24-Jul-00 AAT - Penguins (2) $15.00
  2000 Complete Year (Exc AAT) (16 Sets)  
APMX 184 1-Jan-01 Centenary of Federation (4) $14.00
APMX 185 25-Jan-01 Australian Legends - Slim Dusty (2) $5.50
APMX 186 15-Feb-01 Army Service (2) $6.00
APMX 187 8-Mar-01 National Museum (2) $5.00
APMX 188 13-Mar-01 Don Bradman Memorial (2) $5.50
APMX 189 20-Mar-01 Rock Australia (10) $22.00
APMX 190 12-Apr-01 Queen's Birthday (1) $3.50
APMX 191 24-Apr-01 Colour My Day (5) $12.00
APMX 192 3-May-01 Federal Parliament (2) $8.00
APMX 193 5-Jun-01 Outback Services (5) $9.00
APMX 194 25-Jun-01 Australia-Hong Kong Joint Issue (2) $6.00
APMX 195 12-Jul-01 Panorama - International Stamps (4) $48.00
APMX 196 9-Aug-01 Nature of Australia - Desert Birds (4) $9.00
APMX 197 16-Aug-01 Australia-Sweden Joint Issue (2) $7.00
APMX 198 4-Sep-01 CHOGM (2) $5.00
APMX 199 4-Sep-01 Seasons Greetings (2) $6.00
APMX 200 11-Sep-01 Birds of Prey (4) $12.00
APMX 201 2-Oct-01 Wild Babies (6) $15.00
APMX 202 1-Nov-01 Xmas (2) $5.00
  17-May-01 AAT - Australians in the Antarctic (4) $20.00
  11-Sep-01 AAT-Seals (4) $20.00
  2001 Complete Year (Exc AAT) (19 Sets) $196.00
APMX 203 23-Jan-02 Australian Legends - Medical Scientists (5) $12.00
APMX 204 6-Feb-02 QE II Golden Jubilee (2) $9.00
APMX 205 27-Feb-02 Motor Racing (6) $15.00
APMX 206 12-Mar-02 Lighthouses (4) $12.00
APMX 207 4-Apr-02 Australia-France Joint Issue (2) $7.00
APMX 208 1-May-02 International Panoramas (3) $10.00
APMX 209 4-Jun-02 Nature of Australia - Desert (4) $15.00
APMX 210 2-Jul-02 Albert Namatjira - Birth (4) $10.00
APMX 211 6-Aug-02 Australia-Thailand (2) $6.00
APMX 212 23-Aug-02 International Panorama (4) $24.00
APMX 213 23-Aug-02 International Greetings (3) $12.00
APMX 214 3-Sep-02 Bushtucker (5) $12.00
APMX 215 25-Sep-02 Magic Rainforest (6) $14.00
APMX 216 15-Oct-02 Champions of the Turf (5) $14.00
  1-Nov-02 Xmas (2) $5.00
  2-Jul-02 AAT - Research (4) $20.00
  2002 Complete Year (Exc AAT) (15 Sets) $175.00
APMX 218 7-Jan-03 Celebration & Nation (4) $10.00
APMX 219 13-Jan-03 50c Farewell Frama $4.50
APMX 220 24-Jan-03 Australian Legends - Tennis (4) $12.00
APMX 221 11-Feb-03 Nature of Australia - $1.45 Rainforest (1) $5.00
APMX 222 11-Feb-03 Fishing (5) $13.00
APMX 223 25-Mar-03 Blooms (5) $13.00
APMX 224 6-May-03 Australian Paintings (4) $18.00
APMX 225 2-Jun-03 QE II Golden Jubilee - Coronation (2) $9.00
APMX 226 17-Jun-03 Aboriginal Art (4) $20.00
APMX 227 8-Jul-03 Genetics (2) $5.00
APMX 228 8-Jul-03 Rainforests (4) $10.00
APMX 229 5-Aug-03 Murray Shipping (5) $12.00
APMX 230 5-Aug-03 Peace & Goodwill (2) $7.00
APMX 231 2-Sep-03 High Court (2)  
APMX 232 24-Sep-03 Bugs & Butterflies (6) $12.00
APMX 232.1 8-Oct-03 Rugby World Cup (3) $11.00
APMX 233 14-Oct-03 Asthma (1) $3.00
APMX 234 31-Oct-03 Xmas 2003 (3) $8.00
  15-Apr-03 AAT - Ships (4) $18.00
  2003 Complete Year (Exc AAT) (18 Sets)  
APMX 235 23-Jan-04 Australian Legends - Joan Sutherland (2) $5.00
APMX 236 3-Feb-04 Tasmania (4) $6.50
APMX 237 2-Mar-04 Landmark Bridges (5) $12.50
APMX 238 16-Mar-04 Celebrate (1) $2.00
APMX 239 30-Mar-04 Renewable Energy (4) $12.00
APMX 240 13-Apr-04 Royal Tour Jubilee (1) $2.50
APMX 241 4-May-04 Rainforest Butterflies (4) $12.00
APMX 242 18-May-04 Innovations (5) $12.50
APMX 243 1-Jun-04 Bon Voyage (4) $16.00
APMX 244 29-Jun-04 Eureka (2) $9.00
APMX 245 13-Jul-04 Australian Impressions (4) $18.00
APMX 246 3-Aug-04 Athens-Olympics (3) $12.00
APMX 247 7-Sep-04 Railways (5) $12.00
APMX 248 7-Sep-04 $5 Archives (1) $12.00
APMX 249 6-Sep-04 Coastlines (4) $22.00
APMX 250 21-Sep-04 Cats & Dogs (5) $14.00
APMX 251 12-Oct-04 Grand Prix (5) $16.00
APMX 252 1-Nov-04 Xmas (3) $8.00
  13-Feb-04 AAT - Mawson Station (4) $18.00
  2004 Complete Year (Exc AAT) (18 Sets)  
Shopping Trolley - Click on Underlined Price(Hyperlink) to Order
If no hyperlink/Inactive we are currently Out of Stock?of the item !??
APMX 253 11-Jan-05 Tennis Open (2) $8.00
APMX 254 21-Jan-05 Fashion Legends (6) $18.00
APMX 255 8-Feb-05 Parrots (5) $15.00
APMX 256 8-Mar-05 Sports Treasures (4) $12.00
APMX 257 22-Mar-05 Marking the Occasion (9) $28.00
APMX 258 21-Apr-05 World Heritage (8) $27.00
APMX 259 21-Apr-05 Creatures of the Slime (6) $15.00
APMX 260 21-Apr-05 Rotary (1) $3.00
APMX 261 21-Apr-05 First Coin (2) $9.00
APMX 262 10-May-05 QE II Birthday (1) $3.00
APMX 263 7-Jun-05 Bush Wildlife (4) $16.00
APMX 264 5-Jul-05 Wildflowers (4) $10.00
APMX 265 19-Jul-05 Wine (5) $15.00
APMX 266 8-Aug-05 Native Trees (5) $14.00
APMX 267 6-Sep-05 Archive Treasures (1) $12.00
APMX 268 6-Sep-05 Marking the Occasion (2) $4.00
APMX 269 4-Oct-05 Down on the Farm (6) $18.00
APMX 270 1-Nov-05 Xmas (2) $6.00
  6-Sep-05 AAT-Aviation (4) $18.00
  2005 Complete Year (Exc AAT) (18 Sets)  
APMX 271 20-Jan-06 Australian Legends-Barry Humphries (5) $15.00
APMX 272 27-Jan-06 Roses (1) $2.50
APMX 273 7-Feb-06 Wildflowers (4) $38.00
APMX 274 1-Mar-06 Commonwealth Games (3) $12.00
APMX 275 6-Mar-06 Australian Native Wildlife (6) $28.00
APMX 276 19-Apr-06 QE II 80th Birthday (2) $8.00
APMX 277 2-May-06 Greetings from Australia (2) $8.00
APMX 278 2-May-06 Lighthouses (5) $10.00
APMX 279 9-May-06 Soccer in Australia (4) See photo $12.00
APMX 280 1-Jun-06 Postie Kate (5) $11.00
APMX 281 6-Jun-06 Whales Down Under (4) $12.00
APMX 282 18-Jul-06 Extreme Sports (4) $15.00
APMX 283 15-Aug-06 Driving through the Years (5) $14.00
APMX 284 12-Sep-06 Rock Posters (10) $22.00
APMX 285 3-Oct-10 Dangerous Australians (6) $24.00
APMX 286 24-Oct-06 50 Years of Television (5) $14.00
APMX 287 1-Nov-06 Melbourne Olympics - 50 Years (4) $12.00
APMX 288 1-Nov-06 Xmas (3) $8.00
  1-Aug-06 AAT-Fish in the AAT (4) $18.00
  2006 Complete Year (Exc AAT) (18 Sets) $260.00
  16-Jan-07 Cricket (2) $8.00
APMX 289 24-Jan-07 Australian Legends- Horse Racing (4) $18.00
APMX 290 13-Feb-07 Australian Wildflowers (4) $10.00
APMX 291 20-Feb-10 FINA Championships (1) $3.00
APMX 292 8-Mar-07 Lifesaving (5) $20.00
APMX 293 5-Mar-07 Island Jewels (6) $27.00
APMX 294 3-Apr-07 Signs of the Zodiac (12) $28.00
APMX 295 10-Apr-07 Nostalgic Tourism (4) $16.00
APMX 296 10-Apr-07 Queen Elizabeth Birthday (1) $4.00
APMX 297 1-May-07 Historic Shipwrecks (3) $12.00
APMX 298 8-May-07 Country to Coast - International Stamps (2) $10.00
APMX 299 15-May-07 Circus - Under the Big Top (5) See photo $15.00
APMX 300 5-Jun-07 Big Things (5) $12.00
APMX 301 25-Jun-07 Threatened Wildlife (4) $12.00
APMX 302 10-Jul-07 Landmarks (4) $15.00
APMX 303 24-Jul-07 Market Feast (5) $14.00
APMX 304 28-Aug-07 APEC (1) $3.00
APMX 305 4-Sep-07 SAS (1) $3.00
APMX 306 12-Sep-07 Botanic Gardens (5) $14.00
  2-Oct-07 Blast Off in Space (6) $15.00
APMX 307 16-Oct-07 Caravanning (5) $14.00
APMX 308 1-Nov-07 Xmas (5) $12.00
  7-Aug-07 AAT-Royal Penguins (4) $16.00
  2007 Complete Year (Exc AAT) (22 Sets)  
APMX 309 15-Jan-08 Love Blooms (1) $2.50
APMX 310 23-Jan-08 Australian Legends - Philanthropy $10.00
APMX 311 5-Feb-08 Organ & Tissue Donation (1) $2.50
APMX 312 19-Feb-08 Scouting (3) $15.00
APMX 313 3-Mar-08 Gorgeous Australia (4) $25.00
  4-Mar-08 World Youth Day (3) $14.00
APMX 314 24-Mar-08 Rugby League (8) $25.00
APMX 315 1-Apr-08 Heavy Haulers (5) $12.00
APMX 316 16-Apr-08 Lest We Forget (5) $14.00
APMX 317 18-Apr-08 QE II Birthday (2) $8.00
APMX 318 6-May-08 Up up and Away (4) $10.00
APMX 319 24-Jun-08 Beijing Olympics (1) See photo $3.00
APMX 320 10-Jun-08 Working Dogs (5) $14.00
APMX 321 8-Jul-08 Living Green (4) $10.00
APMX 322 15-Jul-08 Quarantine (1) $3.00
APMX 323 29-Jul-08 150 Years of Australian Football (1) $3.00
APMX 324 1-Aug-08 Beijing Olympics (3) $11.00
APMX 325 5-Aug-08 Aviation (3) $13.00
APMX 326 8-Sep-08 Waterfalls (4) $20.00
APMX 327 8-Sep-08 Tourist Precincts (7) $25.00
APMX 328 23-Sep-08 For Every Occasion (10) $26.00
APMX 329 1-Oct-08 Megafauna (6) $18.00
APMX 330 31-Oct-08 Xmas (4) $13.00
APMX 331 3-Nov-08 Favourite Films (5) $13.00
  16-Sep-08 AAT-International Polar Year (4) $16.00
  2008 Complete Year (Exc AAT) (24 Sets)  
APMX 332 22-Jan-09 Australian Legends - Filmstars (8) $10.00
APMX 333 3-Feb-09 With Love (3) $8.00
APMX 334 19-Feb-09 Inventive Australia (5) $12.00
APMX 335 11-Mar-09 Earth Hour (3) $11.00
APMX 336 25-Mar-09 Australia Post - 200 Years (10) $25.00
APMX 337 1-Apr-09 Indigenous Culture (5) $16.00
APMX 338 15-Apr-09 Queens Birthday (2) $8.00
APMX 339 15-May-09 Not Just Desserts (4) $10.00
APMX 340 26-May-09 WWF Dolphins (4) $16.00
APMX 341 9-Jun-09 Queensland - 150 Years (2) $7.00
APMX 342 26-Jun-09 Australia's Favourite Stamps (5) $14.00
APMX 343 1-Jul-09 Australian Bush Babies (3) $25.00
APMX 344 14-Jul-09 Australian Parks & Gardens (5) $13.00
APMX 345 28-Jul-09 Micro Monsters (6) $16.00
APMX 346 4-Aug-09 Species at Risk - Joint Territories (5) $13.00
APMX 347 11-Aug-09 Corrugated Landscapes (4) $10.00
APMX 348 25-Aug-09 Stargazing - The Southern Skies (3) $12.00
APMX 349 9-Sep-09 Australian Songbirds (4) $18.00
APMX 350 25-Sep-09 Classic Toys (5) $13.00
APMX 351 6-Oct-09 Let's Get Active (6)  
APMX 352 13-Oct-09 Australia Post - Everyday People (10)  
APMX 353 2-Nov-09 Xmas (2) $6.00
APMX 354 2-Nov-09 Merry Xmas (5) $12.00
  8-Jan-09 AAT-South Magnetic Pole (4) $14.00
  4-Mar-09 AAT-Poles & Glaciers (2) $10.00
  2009 Complete Year (Exc AAT) (23 Sets) $295.00
Shopping Trolley - Click on Underlined Price(Hyperlink) to Order
If no hyperlink/Inactive we are currently Out of Stock?of the item !??
  2020 Renniks Stamps of Australia in colour- 17th Edition. Issues to December,2020 (320 Pages) Great Value ! See photo $39.95
Above includes Australian States/Colonies, AAT,Norfolk Is., Australian PNC and First Day Covers (320 Pages)
APMX 355 21-Jan-10 Australia Post Legends (6) $22.00
APMX 356 16-Feb-10 Governor Macquarie (4) $10.00
APMX 357 23-Feb-10 Australian Commonwealth Coinage (2) $10.00
APMX 358 9-Mar-10 Powered Flight (3) $12.00
APMX 359 23-Mar-10 Come to the Show (5) $12.00
APMX 360 6-Apr-10 QE II Birthday (1) $3.00
APMX 361 20-Apr-10 Kokoda (5) $16.00
APMX 362 7-May-10 Colonial Heritage (1) $12.00
APMX 363 7-May-10 Australian Railway Journeys (4) $14.00
APMX 364 18-May-10 Shanghai World EXPO (2) $6.00
APMX 365 25-May-10 Australian World Heritage Sites (4) $12.00
  28-Jun-10 Fishes of the Reef (8) Part I & II $28.00
  28-Jun-10 Australian Beaches (4) $20.00
  29-Jun-10 Adopted & Adored (5) $12.00
  13-Jul-10 Emergency Services (4) $10.00
  19-Jul-10 Occasions (9) $26.00
  27-Jul-10 Australian Taxation Office (1) $3.00
  31-Aug-10 Girl Guides (3) $12.00
  8-Sep-10 National Service Memorial (1) $3.00
  22-Sep-10 Long Weekend (5) $133.00
  5-Oct-10 Wildlife Caring (6) $16.00
  18-Oct-10 Mary MacKillop (1) $4.00
  26-Oct-10 Australian Kingfishers (4) $18.00
  1-Nov-10 Melbourne Cup (4) $10.00
  1-Nov-10 Dear Santa (2) $6.00
  1-Nov-10 Xmas (2) $6.00
  22-Jun-10 AAT-Macquarie Island (4) $16.00
  18-Jan-11 Special Occasions - Love (2) $8.00
  20-Jan-11 Australian Legends - Advancing Equality(4) $14.00
  15-Feb-11 International Women's Day (1) $3.00
  22-Feb-11 Aircraft Aviation (4) $20.00
  8-Mar-11 Flora Festivals (5) $16.00
  22-Mar-11 NVG Flowers (5) $16.00
  5-Apr-11 Queen's Birthday (2) $11.00
  12-Apr-11 Royal Wedding (2) $11.00
  10-May-11 Dame Nellie Melba (1) $3.00
  17-May-11 Farming Australia (4) $16.00
  14-Jun-11 Royal Australian Navy (2) $8.00
  7-Jun-11 AAT-Icebergs(4) $16.00
  1-Jul-11 Australian Bush Babies (5) $30.00
  5-Jul-11 Living Australian (5) $15.00
  5-Jul-11 Amnesty International (1) $3.00
  19-Jul-11 Skiing Australia (3) $14.00
  28-Jul-11 Emerging Identity (2) $13.00
  30-Aug-11 WWF for Nature (4) $13.00
  2-Aug-11 AAT - Expedition Part 1 (5) Departure & Journey $20.00
  27-Sep-11 Golf (5) $22.00
  4-Oct-11 Mythical Creatures (6) $20.00
  18-Oct-11 CHOGM (1) $3.50
  31-Oct-11 Xmas (5) $16.00
  2-Nov-11 Remembrance Day (2) $8.00
  16-Nov-11 ANZUS (1) $3.50
  17-Jan-12 Precious Moments(6) $18.00
  20-Jan-12 Australian Legends- AFL (8) $24.00
  7-Feb-12 Technology - Then & Now (5) $15.00
  21-Feb-12 Capital City Transport (5) $14.00
  6-Mar-12 Australian Waterbirds (4) $20.00
  20-Mar-12 Farming Australia Part II (5) $25.00
  27-Mar-12 Centenary of Compulsory Enrolment to Vote (1) $3.00
  3-Apr-12 QE II Birthday Diamond Jubilee (2) $12.00
  10-Apr-12 Medical Doctors(5) $16.00
  17-Apr-12 Rising Sun Badge (5) $15.00
  16-Mar-12 AAT - Phillip Law (3) $20.00
  8-May-12 Underwater World (6) $22.00
  5-Jun-12 London Olympics (1) See photo $5.00
  26-Jun-12 Farming Australia Part III (4) $14.00
  19-Jun-12 Colonial Heritage - Visualising Australia (2) $14.00
  3-Jul-12 Inland Explorers (4) $15.00
  17-Jul-12 London Olympics (3) $15.00
  24-Jul-12 Living Australian (5) $15.00
  28-Aug-12 Nobel Prize Winners (5) $16.00
  4-Sep-12 AAT - Expedition Part 2 (5) Arrival & Exploration $20.00
  18-Sep-12 Road Trip Australia (5)  
  25-Sep-12 Wilderness Australia (3) $24.00
  28-Sep-12 Australian Zoos (7) $24.00
  2-Oct-12 Bathurst Racing (4) $14.00
  9-Oct-12 Susie O'Neill (2) $3.00
  16-Oct-12 Australian Ballet (2) $8.00
  1-Nov-12 Xmas (5) $20.00
  1-Nov-12 Lawn Bowls (2) $9.00
Shopping Trolley - Click on Underlined Price(Hyperlink) to Order
If no hyperlink/Inactive we are currently Out of Stock?of the item !??
  18-Jan-13 Australian Legends (10) $28.00
  5-Feb-13 Special Occasions - Greetings (6) $20.00
  12-Feb-13 Surfing Australia (4) $13.00
  19-Feb-13 Top Dogs (5) $13.00
  5-Mar-13 Centenary of Canberra (2) $11.00
  12-Mar-13 AAT- Mountains (4) $20.00
  19-Mar-13 National Gallery of Australia : Landscapes (5) $16.00
  2-Apr-13 Australian Bush Babies Part II (5) $45.00
  9-Apr-13 QE II Diamond Jubilee Coronation (2) $12.00
  23-Apr-13 Australian Botanic Gardens Part II (5) $16.00
  10-May-13 $10 Kangaroo & Map (1) $25.00
  10-May-13 Australia - Israel (2) $14.00
  10-May-13 Black Caviar (1) $6.50
  11-May-13 Commonwealth Bank Notes (2) $12.00
  11-May-13 Australian Pardalotes (4) $20.00
  11-Jun-13 Government Houses (4) $13.00
  2-Jul-13 Road Trip Australia Part II (5)  
  9-Jul-13 Indigenous Leaders (5) $16.00
  23-Jul-13 Headline News (4) $14.00
  13-Aug-13 Carnivorous Plants (4) $14.00
  20-Aug-13 Australia's Coral Reefs (4) $16.00
  3-Sep-13 Australian Poultry Breeds (3) $10.00
  10-Sep-13 AAT - Expedition Part 3 (5) - Disaster & Isolation $20.00
  24-Sep-13 Dinosaurs (6) $20.00
  8-Oct-13 Historic Railway Stations (4) $14.00
  15-Oct-13 Australia-Germany Leichhardt (1) $3.00
  22-Oct-13 Holey Dollar & Dump (2) $12.00
  1-Nov-14 Xmas (6) $25.00
  7-Jan-14 Royal Baby Christening (2) $12.00
  14-Jan-14 Orchids (4) $12.00
  17-Jan-14 Australian Cooking Legends (5) $16.00
  20-Jan-14 Cricket Ashes (2) $12.00
  4-Feb-14 Romance (2) $7.50
  18-Feb-14 AAT - Expedition Part 4 (5) - Homeward Bound $18.00
  24-Mar-14 Floral Emblems (7) $32.00
  8-Apr-14 QE II Birthday (2) $12.00
  15-Apr-14 Special Occasions (10) $32.00
  22-Apr-14 Centenary WWI (5)  
  6-May-14 Red Cross (1) $4.00
  13-May-14 Bush Ballads (4) $14.00
  3-Jun-14 G20 Leaders Summit (1) $4.00
  17-Jun-14 KGV Stamps (4) $14.00
  1-Jul-14 First Airmail (2) $12.00
  8-Jul-14 Royal Visit (2) $11.00
  15-Jul-14 Equestrian Events (5) $16.00
  22-Jul-14 Norfolk Is Joint Issue (2) $10.00
  5-Aug-14 Submarines & Military Aircraft (2) $8.00
  19-Aug-14 Nostalgic Advertisements (5) $20.00
  26-Aug-14 Southern Lights (4) $16.00
  2-Sep-14 Open Gardens Australia (5) $16.00
  10-Sep-14 AAT - Era of the Husky (4) $22.00
  23-Sep-14 Stingers (6) $18.00
  7-Oct-14 Racecourses (4) $15.00
  21-Oct-14 ADF: A Century of Service (5) $15.00
  1-Oct-14 Wilderness (3) $35.00
  31-Oct-14 Xmas (6) $24.00
  13-Jan-15 Australian Native Animals (6) $22.00
  22-Jan-15 Victoria Cross Legends (5) $16.00
  3-Feb-15 Love is in the Air (4) $14.00
  17-Feb-15 Sailing Ships (4) $16.00
  3-Mar-15 Tourist Transport (4) $14.00
  17-Mar-15 Australian Trees $22.00
  7-Apr-15 ANZAC Australia (2) $12.00
  7-Apr-15 QE II Birthday (2) $12.00
  14-Apr-15 Gallipoli (5) $24.00
  5-May-15 Cats (5) $18.00
  19-May-15 Collections Australia (4) $14.00
  26-May-15 AAT - Colours of the AAT (4) $22.00
  2-Jun-15 Islands of Australia (4) $18.00
  30-Jun-15 Medical Research (1) $3.50
  7-Jul-15 Lighthouses (4) $14.00
  14-Jul-15 Great Australian Walks (4) $14.00
  4-Aug-15 Netball (1) $4.50
  14-Aug-15 Australia-Singapore-NZ (3) $16.00
  25-Aug-15 Birth of Princess Charlotte (1)  
  1-Sep-15 Signs of the Times (3) $12.00
  9-Sep-15 AAT - Dogs that Saved Macquarie (4)  
  9-Sep-15 QE II Long may She Reign (5) $25.00
  22-Sep-15 Our Solar System (8) $24.00
  5-Oct-15 Honoured by Australia(3) $10.00
  13-Oct-15 Bicycles (4) $20.00
  27-Oct-15 Animals in War (5) $17.00
  30-Oct-15 Xmas (5) $20.00
  14-Dec-15 Australian Wildflowers (4)  
  21-Jan-16 Australian Tennis Legends (12)  
  25-Jan-16 Love to Celebrate (10)  
  9-Feb-16 Decimal Currency (1)  
  1-Mar-16 Fair Dinkum Aussie Alphabet (5) Part I  
  15-Mar-16 Australian Bridges (3) $10.00
  5-Apr-16 QE II Birthday (2)  
  12-Apr-16 Centenary WWI -1916 (5)  
  3-May-16 Butterflies (4)  
  31-May-16 RSL 1916-2016 (1)  
  7-Jun-16 Nostalgic Fruit Labels (4)  
  21-Jun-16 AAT - Hurley's Journey (5) $28.00
  5-Jul-16 Owls (4)  
  26-Jul-16 Play School (2)  
  2-Aug-16 Rio (1)  
  16-Aug-16 Fair Dinkum Aussie Alphabet (5) Part 2  
  29-Aug-16 AAT - Ice Flowers (4) $20.00
  6-Sep-16 Jewel Beetles (4)  
  13-Sep-16 Dirk Hartog Landing (1)  
  20-Sep-16 Endangered Wildlife (7)  
  26-Sep-16 Monotremes (2)  
  11-Oct-16 Vietnam War (5)  
  31-Oct-16 Xmas (5)  
  7-Feb-17 Love - Special Occasions (2)  
  21-Feb-17 Australian Jetties (4)  
  7-Mar-17 AAT - East Antarctic Deep Sea Creatures (4) $22.00
  30-Mar-17 Rare Beauties (4)  
  30-Mar-17 Streeton & Nolan (2)  
  4-Apr-17 QE II Birthday (2)  
  18-Apr-17 Centenary WWI 1917 (5)  
  2-May-17 Caves 6)  
  16-May-17 Street Art (4)  
  24-May-17 Referendum (1)  
  29-May-17 Australian Indigenous Legends (3)  
  7-Jun-17 Lions Club International (1)  
  13-Jun-17 Henry Lawson (2)  
  20-Jun-17 Australian Succulents (4)  
  4-Jul-17 Trans-Australian Railways (2)  
  1-Aug-17 Dragonflies (5)  
  19-Sep-17 AAT - Cultural Heritage (4) $20.00
  29-Aug-17 Shipwrecks (3)  
  5-Sep-17 Heard Island (4) + M/S  
  27-Sep-17 Water Plants (3)  
  6-Oct-17 Women in War (5) + M/S  
  17-Oct-17 Fair Dinkum Aussie Alphabet (5) (BGJKU)  
  24-Oct-17 Art of the North (4)  
  1-Nov-17 Xmas (5) + M/S  
  2020 Renniks Stamps of Australia in colour- 17th Edition. Issues to December,2020 (320 Pages) Great Value ! See photo $39.95
Above includes Australian States/Colonies, AAT,Norfolk Is., Australian PNC and First Day Covers (320 Pages)
  8-Jan-18 Convict Past (3)  
  18-Jan-18 Australian Television Legends (5)  
  6-Feb-18 With Love (2)  
  20-Feb-18 Banksias (4)  
  6-Mar-18 Vintage Jam Labels (4)  
  16-Mar-18 Finches of Australia (4) Part 1  
  10-Apr-18 War Memorial (5)  
  17-Apr-18 QE II Birthday (2)  
  1-May-18 Cloudscapes (4)  
  21-May-18 Silo Art (4)  
  5-Jun-18 Finches of Australia (3)  
  12-Jun-18 Art in Nature (4)  
  10-Jul-18 Frog (4)  
  1-Aug-18 Reef Safari (4)  
  21-Aug-18 Children's Bush Classics (2)  
  4-Sep-18 Vintage Motorcycles (4)  
  18-Sep-18 Aussie Alphabet Part 4 (5) (EOXYZ)  
  25-Sep-18 Beautiful Cities (3)  
  2-Oct-18 WWI 2018 (5)  
  23-Oct-18 Lighthouses (3)  
  1-Nov-18 Xmas (5)  
  27-Mar-18 AAT: Crabeater Seal (4) $20.00
  25-Sep-18 RSV Aurora (4)  
  17-Jan-19 Australian Legends - Childrens Literature (5)  
  5-Mar-19 Australian Fauna (4)  
  14-Mar-19 Sustainable Fish (3)  
  9-Apr-19 Queens Birthday (2)  
  16-Apr-19 ANZAC Day (2)  
  7-May-19 Flightless Birds (4)  
  14-May-19 Native Bees (4)  
  4-Jun-19 Sports Stadium (4)  
  2-Jul-19 Freshwater Crayfish (3)  
  16-Jul-19 Moon Landing Set 4  
  1-Aug-19 In The Garden (5)  
  13-Aug-19 Bush Citrus (3)  
  23-Sep-19 Beautiful Cities (3)  
  1-Oct-19 Marriage Equality (2)  
  1-Oct-19 England-Australia First Flight (2)  
  8-Oct-19 Seed Banking (3)  
  22-Oct-19 Fair Dinkum Aussie Alphabet (6)  
  1-Nov-19 Xmas (5)  
  16-Dec-19 Australian Fauna (4)  
  26-Mar-19 AAT Casey Research (4) $22.00
  20-Aug-19 Mapping the AAT (4) $22.00
  21-Jan-20 Tree-dwellers of the Tropics (3)  
  4-Feb-20 Word of Sport (4)  
  18-Feb-20 Medical Innovations (4)  
  24-Mar-20 Sports Stadium (4)  
  7-Apr-20 QE II (2)  
  14-Apr-20 ANZAC Day (4)  
  15-Apr-20 Australian Legends - Comedians (4)  
  21-Apr-20 Bird Emblems (6)  
  19-May-20 Citizen Science (4)  
  9-Jun-20 Art of the Desert (4)  
  16-Jun-20 Fashion Focus (4)  
  27-Jul-20 Australian Alps (3)  
  4-Aug-20 Wildlife Recovery (6)  
  11-Aug-20 Princes Highway (4)  
  17-Aug-20 Opalised Fossils (4)  
  7-Sep-20 Water Tower (4)  
  6-Oct-20 Civil Aviation (2)  
  13-Oct-20 Australian National Botanic Gardens (2)  
  31-Mar-20 AAT - Wyatt Earp Expedition (3) $20.00
  29-Sep-20 AAT - RSV Nuyina (4) $22.00
  20-Oct-20 World Heritage (4)  
  22-Oct-20 W.S.Cox Plate (1)  
  30-Oct-20 Xmas (5)  
  25-Jan-21 Memorable Moments (5)  
  9-Feb-21 Royal Australian Air Force Centenary (2)  
  16-Feb-21 Frontline Heroes Setenant Strip 5  
  22-Feb-21 Ramsar Wetlands (4)  
  2-Mar-21 Edith Cowan (1)  
  22-Mar-21 HMVS Cerberus (1)  
  22-Mar-21 Holden Icon (5)  
  26-Mar-21 Australian Legends of Cricket (6) 3 Setenant Pairs  
  6-Apr-21 Rotary (1)  
  13-Apr-21 Lest We Forget (2)  
  10-May-21 National Heritage (3)  
  18-May-21 Migratory Shorebirds (3)  
  1-Jun-21 Doves & Pigeons (4)  
  6-Jul-21 Ticket to Tokyo (1)  
  6-Jul-21 Australian Contemporary Sculpture (4)  
  13-Jul-21 Volcanic Past (4)  
  27-Jul-21 Australian Native Bonsai (3)  
  3-Aug-21 Full Steam Ahead (5)  
  7-Sep-21 Ginger Meggs (3)  
  14-Sep-21 Wattle Wonders (3)  
  21-Sep-21 QE II Birthday (2)  
  28-Sep-21 Archibald Prize (3)  
  5-Oct-21 Nature's Mimics (3)  
  7-Oct-21 Holden's Final Roar (5)  
  19-Oct-21 RSPCA (5)  
  22-Oct-21 First Regular Airmail (1)  
  16-Mar-21 AAT: Arts Fellowship (4) $22.00
  5-Oct-21 AAT: Lichen (4) $22.00
  11-Jan-22 Under Sail (3) $9.00
  25-Jan-22 Buckle Up (1) $3.00
  8-Feb-22 Special Occasions (5) Times to Cherish $13.00
  22-Feb-22 Our Beautiful Continent (4) $9.00
  8-Mar-22 Sheepdog Trials (3) $7.00
  15-Mar-22 Australian Legends - Film Making (5) $11.00
  22-Mar-22 AAT: Penguins (4) $22.00
  5-Apr-22 QE II Platinum Jubilee (2) $9.00
  12-Apr-22 Postcards to the Front (3) $7.00
  26-Apr-22 Country Women's Association (1)  
  3-May-22 Aboriginal Fibre Art (3)  
  24-May-22 Bush Seasonings (3)  
  7-Jun-22 Megapods of Australia (3)  
  14-Jun-22 Prince Philip - In Memoriam (1)  
  5-Jul-22 Pastor Sir Douglas Nicholls (1) $4.50
  11-Jul-22 Budgerigars (3) $11.00
  19-Jul-22 Centenary of the Men's National Football Team (2) $7.50
  2-Aug-22 Cicadas (3) $11.00
  9-Aug-22 Overland Telegraph (1) $5.00
  9-Aug-22 AAT: Australian Antarctic Program (4) $18.00
  23-Aug-22 Aerial Views (4) $35.00
  5-Sep-22 Dinosaurs (5) $18.00
  13-Sep-22 Roses (4) $15.00
  20-Sep-22 Rock Art of the Kimberley (2) $7.50
  3-Oct-22 Brock - King of the Mountain (5) $18.00
  11-Oct-22 150 Years of Education (1) $5.00
  25-Oct-22 Australian Rivers (4) $15.00
  1-Nov-22 Xmas (5) $22.00
  15-Dec-22 Native Animals  
  3-Jan-23 Special Occasions (10)  
  7-Feb-23 Sporting Treasures (4) + M/S  
  21-Feb-23 Fairy Wrens (4) + M/S  
  7-Mar-23 Golden Age of Travel Posters (3)  
  14-Mar-23 AAT: Sidney Nolan's Antarctica (4) $20.00
  21-Mar-23 Legacy (1)  
  11-Apr-23 Solar Eclipses (3)  
  18-Apr-23 Lest We Forget - Vietnam War (2)  
  27-Apr-23 Australian - Legends (4)  
  9-May-23 Peacock Spiders (3)  
  16-May-23 Jellyfish Underwater Wonders (4)  
  1-Jun-23 Extinct Mammals (3)  
  6-Jun-23 Still-Life Paintings (2)  
  26-Jun-23 Native Animals (3)  
  27-Jun-23 Sustainable Future (3)  
  11-Jul-23 FIFA Womens World Cup (1)  
  15-Aug-23 Aussie Bird Count (3)  
  22-Aug-23 AAT: Circumnavigation (3) $18.00
  4-Sep-23 Aussie Big Things (5)  
  19-Sep-23 Queen Elizabeth Memoriam (6)  
  26-Sep-23 Edwin Flack (1)  
  3-Oct-23 Disney 100 (4)  
  17-Oct-23 Public Broadcast Radio (1)  
  24-Oct-23 Poppies of Remembrance (3)  
  22-Jan-24 Nostalgic Tinned Fruit Labels (3)  
  13-Feb-24 Australian Ground Parrots (3)  
  20-Feb-24 Retro Audio (3)  
  20-Feb-24 AAT: Petrels (4) $20.00
  27-Feb-24 Gert Sellheim Posters (3)  
  12-Mar-24 The Shared Table (4)  
  26-Mar-24 Marine Emblems (3)  
  3-Apr-24 Special Occasions Set 8  
  16-Apr-24 Anzac Day (3)  
  21-May-24 Around Australia Flight (2)  
  4-Jun-24 Sky Country - Seven Sisters (3)  
  24-Jun-24 Olympics - Path to Paris (1)  
  1-Jul-24 Marine Emblems Part 2 International (3) $2.85,$3.30,$4.55  
  9-Jul-24 A Free Press (1)  
  16-Jul-24 Compulsory Voting (1)  
  13-Aug-24 Cobb & Co (2)  
  13-Aug-24 AAT: Seals (4) $22.00
  20-Aug-24 Koalas in Danger (3)  
  2-Sep-24 Showtime Greats (5)  
  23-Sep-24 Brownlow (1)  
  1-Oct-24 Universal Postal Union (2)  
  15-Oct-24 Kalkadoon (4)  
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  2017 Volume I : Seven Seas 32nd Edition Australasian Catalogue See photo $65.00
400 Pages in Full Colour - Australia 1913 - February 2017, Australian Postal Stationery, Australian First Day Covers & Packs, Australian Antarctic Territory,Christmas Is.,Cocos(Keeling) Is.
Now in stock
  2007 Volume 2 : Seven Seas Australian Territories 30th Edition See photo $37.50
288 Pages in Full Colour Papua & New Guinea,Norfolk Is.,Nauru Stamps and Pitcairn Is
  2017, 2007 Seven Seas Both Volumes Above $95.00
Go to Frama Maximum Cards
Seven Seas Albums
    Australian Maximum Card Album inc Slipcase $75.00
Above: Contains 20 loose leaf board pages each to take two Maximum Cards. There are spaces under each card for the issue date and title.
    Maximum Card Binder 32mm $25.00
    Slipcase 32mm $25.00
    Maximum Card Pages Pack 10 $28.00
Prices are subject to change at any time without notice !
Subject to Stock

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